Choosing the right bed and mattress for you.
A good night's sleep is vital! and given that an average a person sleeps for 8 hours in a day, that means that an average person will sleep for 229,961 hours in their lifetime or basically one-third of their life, so investing time in choosing in the right bed and mattress for you is time well spent, and the money you spend is an investment in your health and well being.
Once you look into buying a mattress, it can seem like a minefield, with different conflicting advice, huge ranges in price and it can all seem a bit daunting. Here at South Yorkshire Mobility, we speak in layman's terms. The most important thing is A GREAT NIGHTS SLEEP!
Things to consider when making your bed and or Mattress purchase.
At South Yorkshire mobility you can come to our local mobility shop and try out a range of different beds and mattresses before making your purchase.
As we get older we require different features from a mattress than we did in our 20's, or even 30's
We all experience the effects of getting older, so support, good mattress support layers and spinal alignment are now key factors you need to consider when making your purchase.
The best mattress for an older person is one with a good support system and a surface layer that’s soft and cushioning.
If you experience back pain or have arthritic conditions a more firm mattress with memory foam or latex can help vastly in a good nights sleep.
Stomach sleepers need firmness
Back sleepers can choose what suits but support is still a vital aspect when picking the mattress.
Side sleepers tend to like a softer mattress, so it could be worth looking at memory foam or similar.
Advice from the experts.
"Your bed is by far the most significant element of a good night’s rest. It is near impossible to get a deep, effective sleep on an old, uncomfortable bed. Mattresses lacking comfort, space and support are likely to leave you waking tired and achy, and will also have a significant impact on your partner’s sleep, too."
Quote from the Sleep Council.
The NBF (National bed federation) recommends replacing your mattress every seven years.
One study looked at the benefits of a new mattress for 28 days, revealing that it reduced back pain by 57%, shoulder pain by 60% and back stiffness by 59%. It also improved sleep quality by 60%
How poor sleep can affect our health and overall well being and what can help.
Lack of sleep can affect mental health
Poor sleep quality affects mood
The temperature of your room can affect your sleep
Drinking alcohol can have a negative effect on sleep
Poor diet and exercise regime
Exercise can help induce a better quality sleep
Put your phone or computer down, the LED displays glow with blue light, which actually suppresses melatonin and we need this to increase for sleep!
Your bedroom should be a calm, relaxed space
A warm bath will help relax you
Warn non-caffeine drinks to relax, it may be an old remedy but a nice hot cup of milk is still up there with one of the best methods for aiding a good nights sleep
Some gross facts.
We shed a LB of dead skin cells a year ..So there's half a stone of dusty dry skin somewhere by the time your ready for a new mattress!
We also lose half a pint of fluid every night ... goodness me that's about 80 gallons in seven years!
Some tips for looking after your new mattress.
Mattresses need rotating from top to bottom about four times a year.
It is also a good idea to hoover them once every two weeks.
A good old airing will never hurt either.
